What are the disadvantages of ca…

What are the disadvantages of caesarean section?

Cesarean sections can increase the risk of blood clots developing in deep veins, especially in the legs and pelvis (deep vein thrombosis). If a blood clot travels to the lungs and blocks blood flow (pulmonary embolism), the damage can be life-threatening. surgical injury.

Is a caesarean section high risk?

Although rare, having a C-section can increase the risk of certain problems in future pregnancies, such as opening the uterus scar. Abnormal attachment of the placenta to the uterine wall, making it difficult to deliver the placenta.

Is a Caesarean section a major surgery?

What are the risks of a C-section? Because a C-section is a major surgery, it can have more complications than a vaginal birth, including: Other parts of the body, such as the incision, uterus, abdomen or bladder, can become infected. A large amount of blood may be lost and a transfusion may be required.

Why do people prefer C-sections?

The number of elective cesarean sections is increasing in the United States. The reasons vary, from fear of pain during childbirth to the belief that vaginal birth can cause sexual dysfunction. In some cases, this may be because a planned caesarean section seems more convenient. 開刀bb奶粉

Which is more painful: a caesarean section or a normal delivery?

Recovery time after a C-section is also usually longer than after a natural birth. After all, natural childbirth can be more painful than a C-section. However, the pain after a C-section can exceed the initial pain of childbirth, combined with the increased risks to you and your baby.

What was the toughest day of your C-section recovery?

After a C-section: The first 24-48 hours

Again, you just had major surgery, so fatigue and pain are to be expected. Many women also report experiencing nausea for the first few hours. 剖腹產bb

What are the disadvantages of caesarean section?

Cesarean sections can increase the risk of blood clots developing in deep veins, especially in the legs and pelvis (deep vein thrombosis). If a blood clot travels to the lungs and blocks blood flow (pulmonary embolism), the damage can be life-threatening. surgical injury.

Will my stomach heal after a caesarean section?

Getting rid of your mummy tummy, or caesarean bag, usually requires a combination of lifestyle changes and physical conditioning. A balanced diet and regular exercise will help you lose excess fat and strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Why is a Caesarean section not recommended?

“[But] C-sections come with risks for the mother, including anesthesia, blood loss, infection, a longer recovery period, and a possible increased risk of postpartum depression,” Dr. Starck says. I was born by caesarean section. 開刀bb奶粉

Why is it difficult to get a flat stomach after a C-section?

Lack of muscle tone can cause fat to build up around your midsection, causing your abdomen to protrude. This is also known as a C-section shelf. This “shelf” of scar tissue creates a bulge in the abdomen consisting of sagging skin, excess fat, and scar tissue.

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